There are several ways your students can experience a day at Lakeside Arts, be that a full day or half day, it's up to you how you fill it!

School Trips & On-Site Workshops
Our two Year One classes visited Lakeside Arts. The children were truly mesmerised by the variety of artwork in the art gallery and enjoyed exploring. [They] showed particular interest to the moon sculpture, viewing from different angles and discussing the detail, [before] using their observational skills to draw some of the sculptures in the gallery ... Children thought of abstract ideas this included solar systems, summer days and even sea life. The children used chalk on black paper and added small sections of gold leaf to create a unique piece of art. As all great artists do, the children showcased their artwork and explained the thought process behind their designs. Thank you for welcoming us to Lakeside, the experience was welcoming, well-organised and thoroughly enjoyed by both staff and children."
Teacher, Crabtree Farm Primary School

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