Nature to Explore

If you’re a nature lover is there any better way to spend the day than outdoors surrounded by greenery, water, and wildlife?

We’re lucky enough at Lakeside to be surrounded by all three. Sat between Highfields Park and University Park Campus not only gives us stunning surroundings but also means there is a great variety of wildlife and nature to enjoy.

Our parks

Visitors to Lakeside can make the most of our stunning surroundings, with over 120 acres of rolling grassland, trees, shrubs and water features to explore. The vast lake sits as a centrepiece, to a fantastic selection of environments. In the summer why not take a boat out on the lake for a different perspective?

Wildlife spotting

The combination of habitats, from open spaces and running water, to wetlands, grassland and woodland provides are a great range of habitats for a great variety of wildlife. The lake is home to swans, moorhens and coots, ducks such as tufted ducks and mallards. The park is home to many Canada Geese plus some rather enigmatic Egyptian Geese, as well as bunnies, badgers and squirrels to name a few. With a varied standing of trees and shrubs, there is also a great opportunity for bird spotting.

Historic Park Land

Highfields Park opened to the public in 1926 and was one of the country’s first, large, man-made public parks. The park is now Grade II Listed in English Heritage’s Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest.

The park was designed by the architect Percy Richard Morley Horder to form a setting for the Trent Building which he designed and built between 1922 – 1928. As a result, Highfields Park has a strong architectural emphasis in both its structural layout and the quality of the buildings.

Tree and plant variety

Full of native trees and shrubs the park is a wonderful place to wander around and appreciate the natural environment.

There can be an injection of colour from the rhododendron bushes that sit along University Boulevard, also keep an eye out for the common spotted orchid, marsh marigold and soft shield fern.

Wellbeing Wildlife Walks

Nottingham City Council run a series of Wellbeing Wildlife Walks, rotating through different parks in and around the city. These short, friendly group walks are a great chance to get active and meet new people.

Find out more and book ticket Nottingham City Council – Parks and Open Spaces’ Eventbrite.

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