This free exhibition unites art and science in a captivating exploration of the quantum universe, celebrating the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology.
The exhibition has been generously supported by the following: UKRI: STFC (Science and Technologies Facilities Council), EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council), UKRI: HEIF (Higher Education Innovation Funding), SIF (Strategic Innovation Fund), APEX Award (in partnership with the British Academy, Royal Academy of Engineering, the Royal Society and Leverhulme Trust), BMKÖS (Federal Ministry of Arts and Culture Austria), University of Oxford: Department of Physics, Imperial College London, QTFP (Quantum Technologies for Fundamental Physics) and AION (UK atom interferometer observatory and network).
Image: Conrad Shawcross with Light Cage 2024 (detail). Photo: Richard Ivey

Exhibition images
The University of Nottingham is part of the Quantum Technologies for Fundamental Physics (QTFP) programme – a £40m Strategic Priorities Fund programme that aims to transform our approach to understanding the universe and its evolution. The University of Nottingham is a recipient of one of 24 awards made since 2020 (the University of Nottingham was one of the original seven projects funded). Professor Silke Weinfurtner is the principal investigator at Nottingham of the funded project Quantum Simulators for Fundamental Physics (QSimFP) which explores essential processes linked to the dynamics of the early universe and black holes through analogue quantum simulations. Dr Ulrike Kuchner is a pioneer in the research on the collaboration of art and science and co-leads the global ArtScience collective SEADS (Space Ecologies Art and Design), alongside fundamental research in Astrophysics.
Cosmic Titans: Video Interviews
Exhibition Audio Descriptions
Ringdown by Conrad Shawcross
The Blind Proliferation by Conrad Shawcross
An Early Universe by Alistair McClymont
Superdecision by Matthew Woodham
Quantum Lens by Studio Above&Below
Begriff des Körpers by daniela brill estrada and Monica C. LoCascio