Holocaust: Untold Stories

Mon 14 Mar 2022

As part of the University of Nottingham's LGBT+ History Month, Lakeside Arts hosted Professor Maiken Umbach in conversation with Dr Anna Hájková online to discuss the experiences of those involved in same sex relationships under the Nazi regime.

Dr Hájková is Associate Professor of History at the University of Warwick. Her book The Last Ghetto: An Everyday History of Theresienstadt is the first in-depth, analytical history of a prisoner society during the Holocaust, and tells many stories of LGBTQ+ individuals who lived through the atrocities.

Professor Maiken Umbach is Professor of Modern History at the University of Nottingham. She recently worked with the National Holocaust Centre and Museum to curate The Eye as Witness: Recording the Holocaust exhibition in our Djanogly Gallery Saturday 22 January – Sunday 13 March 2022. The exhibition uses virtual reality technology designed to make us question the motives behind the recording of historical events.

Watch their discussion, with an introduction from Neil Walker, Head of Visual Arts at Lakeside Arts, here:

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