Alt Block Device

Meet the Activists

Tue 11 Jun 2024

Djanogly Theatre

Past event

This event has now passed.

Past event

This event has now passed.

Get more from the dear sisters exhibition by hearing from some of the archivists.

This panel discussion, featuring members of the Nottingham Feminist Archive Group and their interviewees, explores in depth some of the themes which emerged from interviews with women activists.

For more information on who qualifies for concessions, please visit our booking tickets page.

Image: Photograph of a women’s protest.Red Rag: a magazine of women’s liberation, No. 8, February 1975. Feminist Publications Collection, Periodicals HX546.RED

A collection of feminist badges on a black table
Promo Block Device

Dear Sisters

activists archives

This exhibition presents an archive curated by Nottingham-based feminist activists.

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